About Avocados

Posted on Mar 29, 2021 by Jack McCann
Tags: Newsletter

Why Avocados?

Avocados are an amazing food - When our kids were young, they ate avocados all the time (also tons of pate, homemade broth and other healthy fat filled goodies)

Avocados are high in:

  1. Fiber
  2. Potassium
  3. Folate
  4. Vitamins B6, B6, K C, and E and more
  5. High in Mono-unsaturated fats.

For our kids, we'd just cut them open across the middle, sprinkle with sea salt and spoon right out of the shell - handy little bowl!

Also they are so darn tasty when properly ripened.

How to purchase and ripen

Number one: Plan ahead! Don't buy your avocados to eat that day or even in the next few days. If you are shopping in a grocery, buy the greenest, newest avocados you can find. Don't settle for something other people have 'tested' repeatedly on its way to being ripe in the store.

Buying anything other than a green avocado is just gambling with your culinary happiness.

Take your green avocados home and place in a paper bag on the counter until they slowly ripen to your desired level of doneness. Its best to buy several at once so you can test one.

After 2-4 days they should be ripe, check then on the pointy end to see if it has a gentile give. If so, feel free to cut into the ripest looking one and see how it is. If that one is perfect, you probably can put the others in your fridge. If not, leave them in the bag for another day.

The ones show here are really nice, maybe just a tad under ripe.

Once in your fridge, they will keep in their perfect ripe state for several days or even a week or two.

Ripening your own avocados reduces the risk of bruising and keeps a tasty treat at the ready.

Here is what they should look like. These were cut lengthwise, I then gently score the flesh with a sharp knife into slices, without cutting through the skin.

It is easy to then just peel or scoop perfect slices for a taco or tomato vinegar-oil salad.

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