Bacon + Peanut Butter ... Need we say more? We’ve made a softer cookie with limited ingredients and all-natural preservatives. Perfect for pups looking for a chewier bite.
Quality, human grade ingredients that combine for the best, real peanut butter taste your dog’s been craving. All while helping support mobility, healthy skin & coat and digestive function...
Thanks to farm-grown meatless mycelium, MyBacon has the taste, texture, and joy factor of real-deal bacon.From the salty-sweet-savory harmony of flavor, to the crisp, meaty pull of each whole-cut...
Crafted the old-fashioned way, our organic creamy peanut butter is made with dry-roasted peanuts and a touch of salt for a distinctively delicious flavor.
NO palm oil, stir before use. Ingredients:...
Crafted the old-fashioned way, our organic crunchy peanut butter is packed with pieces of dry-roasted peanuts and a touch of salt for a distinctively delicious flavor.
NO palm oil, stir before use...
The perfect pairing of smartly sweetened crispy cookies with a creamy nut butter filling. A delicious way to satisfy your sweet snack craving any time of day.
The sandwich cookie you know and...
Our Protein Replenishment MacroBar is a peanut butter lover’s dream! Crunchy peanuts complement our very own melt-in-your-mouth vegan peanut butter chips for a celebration of the salty and sweet...
The childhood flavor you remember, tasting even better than what you remember. Saltier with a creamy-sweet shell, you wouldn’t want to go back from this 100% dairy-free treat.Ingredients: Sweet...
Think of your favorite peanut butter cup. Next, magnify that feeling by a gazillion - that's ours. Nuts? Yes. Crazy? No. Just imagine what happens when I take our best tasting organic peanut butter...