Help Us Reuse Delivery Materials!
Delivery Packaging Returns
We rely on our members to return empty delivery packaging so we can reuse it.
Not only does this help minimize our environmental impact, but it is critical for us keep delivery costs low!
If you have delivery packaging from a previous delivery, please hang on to it for us and set it out on your next delivery day.
Our drivers will pick it up for us to reuse!
What Items Do We Want Back?
- Silver thermal bags
- Ice packs/heat packs
- Styrofoam coolers
- Egg cartons
- Clean and sturdy ones only, please!
- Opening and stacking the cartons is much appreciated by our drivers!
Help us out by removing the label with your name on it. We appreciate it!
Please do NOT send back these items:
- Anything dirty, soiled or damaged that you would not want your food delivered in next time
- Paper bags
- Cardboard boxes
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