The Ultimate Summer Sauce: Garlic Lime Butter

The Ultimate Summer Sauce: Garlic Lime Butter
The Ultimate Summer Sauce: Garlic Lime Butter

The Perfect Sauce for Summer Grilling

The first night Betsy made this sauce, Jack practically ate it with a spoon. He even used it as a salad dressing. Betsy thought this was taking it a little too far, but we both agree that it is the perfect summer accompaniment to any lighter meat or veggie. 

It is quick to make, doesn’t heat up your kitchen with cooking, and is really versatile. It will be awesome if you grill pork chops or chicken and just serve the meat with the sauce on top. It is equally delicious with fish -- we've had it with salmon and grilled or roasted veggies… mmmmmm…


  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 large or 2 small limes
  • Salt
  • 1 stick butter


  1. Melt the butter 
  2. Juice the limes
  3. In a food processor, whiz up the garlic, lime juice, and a few pinches of salt
  4. Slowly add the butter, continuing to run the machine until  the mixture emulsifies (basically blends together so the butter and juice don’t separate)

That's it! Yum! Serve with fish, chops, chicken or whatever you'd like! 

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May 23rd 2024 Jack McCann

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