TC Farm Eggs: A Family Effort
Elizabeth O’Sullivan and her husband Ian Rhoades raise the hens that provide all of TC Farm's eggs. Our eggs are truly pasture raised & free of any artificial colorants.
Sustainable pasture raised eggs like ours are extremely hard to find as they require much more time, effort and money to raise compared to grocery eggs (even those labeled as humane, pastured or cage free).
We're proud to partner with Elizabeth & Ian to provide the highest quality local & pasture raised eggs for our members!
Support Elizabeth & Ian's farm by sourcing your eggs through TC Farm!
Keep reading to learn more & get an inside look at their experience running a farm and raising a family.
A Letter from our Farmer, Elizabeth
"When we moved to our farm in 2009 with a kindergartener and a second grader, there is no way we could have imagined what it would be like for our family. Fourteen years later, we have two kids in college and a 12-year-old at home.
The farm has been a powerful force in all of their lives.
On one hand, while their classmates were relaxing after school, my older kids were carrying five-gallon buckets of chicken feed in all kinds of weather. To top it all off, there were those unforgettable incidents in elementary school when my kid’s classmates noticed chicken poop on their boots!
On the other hand, I remember the day when my husband got stranded inside the feed bin because the rope ladder that he used to climb in stretched so much under his weight that he couldn’t use it to climb out again. My older son’s gentle sense of humor made the stressful situation feel like a funny adventure.
I also remember my fierce younger son holding a hen that he won over through persistence and friendly persuasion. The big red hen in his arms croons sweetly, and my son looks up at me, his big brown eyes shining with delight.
And how could I forget the day I looked out the window and saw my daughter striding towards the chicken coop with a 50-pound bag of feed in her arms. My heart ached with pride at her strength as well as grief that the years were passing fast and that she would soon be grown and gone.
Recently my older son came home for his college’s fall break and helped out on the farm. My husband took a picture of him standing out in front of one of our hen yards.
Looking at that picture, I know we have been part of something beautiful all along, through all the joy and stress, through all the laughter and doubt.
Our children have grown up on a farm, and I couldn’t be more proud."
-Elizabeth O'Sullivan
"Dont' Forget to Order Your Eggs! We Appreciate Your Support!"
Elizabeth & Ian
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