TC Feeds Foundation Introduction
The TC Feeds Foundation is a non-profit delivering local & healthy foods to the families in our community that need it most.
Learn more and sign up to support the TC Feeds Foundation!
TC Feeds Foundation
Hear from Jack as he introduces the new TC Feeds Foundation!
Not only does TC Feeds help alleviate hunger, but we also support local farmers by purchasing extra produce and eggs that would otherwise not be harvested.
We hope TC Farm members will help us launch TC Feeds in 1 of 3 critical ways:
3. If you are in a position to consider joining fellow members who have made a founding level financial commitment, I would value the opportunity to talk with you about our mission and the reasons we see this as a critical need in our community as well as for the local food system itself.
Make a One-Time or Recurring Donation
Your donation to TC Feeds makes a big impact! We can provide healthy foods to local families for just $3/meal.
PLUS, for members who sign up for a recurring TC Feeds donation, we'll match what you donate by 50%!
If you've got a little to give, consider donating to TC Feeds!
Sign Up to Support TC Feeds
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