Fields Full of Flowers- Update from Farmer Megan

Fields Full of Flowers- Update from Farmer Megan
Fields Full of Flowers- Update from Farmer Megan

Megan's fields are in full bloom and we've got lots of beautiful, vibrant flowers on the way!

Add a local, sustainably grown bouquet to your next order below and get an update from Megan on the growing season!



“I truly am so appreciative of the opportunity to share flowers with TC Farm members. 

TC Farm orders have allowed me to be full-time on the farm for the first season yet and I am beyond grateful!"


Megan, TC Farmer

Growing Season Update from Farmer Megan

After a cool & wet spring, things are picking up!

With a wet and unexpectedly cool spring getting flowers in the ground was a snail pace at best! 

But reminding ourselves that farming is a season not a day helps ground us in mud or dust and wait for sunshine. 

The pay off is huge in the form of armloads of flowers!

Sustainable, Pollinator-Friendly Blooms

We are dedicated to growing the most beautiful flowers we can in a sustainable way that works with nature. 

Our mission is to grow and provide high quality blooms in a space that merges with nature and enhances the ecosystem in which our farm finds its home. 

Success to us means a sea of colorful pristine blooms accompanied by the lively buzz and flutter of pollinators of all kinds. 

Scenes from the Farm

Explore Some of Megan's Blooms

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Aug 5th 2024 Annie Rowland

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