Farm Tour Dates 2024: Come Experience the Farm!

Farm Tour Dates 2024: Come Experience the Farm!
Farm Tour Dates 2024: Come Experience the Farm!

2024 Farm Tour Dates Announced!

2 Farms, 2 Dates, 4 Ways to Enjoy the Farm-

  • Saturday, August 10: Visit the animals on Kerry's farm in Montrose, MN
  • Saturday, September 14: Check out the produce on Becca's farm in Northfield

Two Tour Slots Each Date

1. Come for a free morning tour at 9 am 

2. Or, come at 11:30 for catered farm lunch & tour with a donation to TC Feeds, our non-profit delivering nourishing meals to local families facing hunger!

All Are Welcome, Spread the Word!

Bring the kids and invite your family, friends & neighbors to visit our local, sustainable farms. Kids 12 and under attend for free.

Reserve Your Spot Today! 

Reservations are needed so we can plan parking space accordingly.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to visit the farms that raise your food and learn about our sustainable farming methods! 

Farmer Kerry: Animals in Montrose, MN

Kerry raises and rotionally grazes lamb, hogs & chickens for TC Farm on 76 acres. You'll see cattle, forest hogs, sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, and more on his farm.

Fun fact: Kerry went to culinary school in Sonoma County before moving back to MN and getting the farm up and running. 

See pictures of Kerry, his family and his farm below!

  • Farmer Kerry and his family at a football game

Farmer Becca: Produce in Northfield, MN

Becca raises organic produce on her beautiful farm in Northfield, MN. You'll see lots of different vegetables growing on her farm during the peak growing season!

Fun fact: Becca uses native bumble bees to help pollinate our tomatoes. Native bees do a better job at pollinating tomatoes than honeybees!

Explore pictures of Becca and her farm below.

About TC Feeds-
TC Feeds provides nourishing meals to those in need and ensures that excess local food & produce goes to those who need it most. 

By purchasing extra produce from farmers and using it to create from-scratch meals for local families facing hunger, we are building a more equitable and sustainable local food system. 

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Jul 30th 2024 Annie Rowland

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