Pasture Updates from Farmer Craig

Pasture Updates from Farmer Craig
Pasture Updates from Farmer Craig

TC Farmer Craig shared some photos that show off his healthy, thriving pastures in Southeast MN where he raises beef for TC Farm members.

Unlike a lot beef found in stores that's questionably labeled as "humane" or "grass fed," TC Farm beef is raised on actual growing pasture and is 100% grass fed

Learn more and see pics of Craig's farm below!  

Psst...Don't miss the timelapse images of a cow pie as it breaks down : ) 

Farmer Craig & Family

Rotational grazing is time-intensive & expensive

While many farmers take shortcuts to help them earn a fair wage, TC Farmers remain committed to our sustainable farming practices and providing our members the very best, most humanely raised beef. It's hard to make a difference by farming sustainably if no one is willing to pay for the extra effort you put in to growing your food (especially when food at the store can use the same labels even though it's raised to a much lower standard!)

TC Farm Members Make Local, Sustainable Farming Possible!
Craig could not farm the way he does without the support of our members and their commitment to buying to sustainably raised, regenerative food. By understanding the value that our food represents and the impact it makes, our members are helping us build a more ethical, sutainable & thriving local food system!

How do our pastures & rotational grazing efforts make a positive impact? 

  • Provide habitat for native plants & species

  • Conserve water

  • Improve soil health & biodiversity

  • Sequester carbon

See Photos of Craig's Farm

Farmer Craig rakes up certified organic hay this summer to be used for winter feed. 

Did you know? Drastic price increases for cattle, diesel and feed have presented a serious challenge for Craig and other TC Farmers. Craig can raise his own organic hay for roughly half the price of what he can buy it for which helps us keep prices lower for members.

Thanks to our members' willingness to pay a fair price for high-quality meat, our farmers can continue focusing their efforts on sustainable farming while having a stable, guaranteed market for the food they grow. 

Cows graze alongside flowering alfafa and clover.

With all the rain this year the thriving vegetation on our pastures has helped to soak in and store the rainwater.


Flowering clover welcomes bees & pollinators. Our rotational grazing methods give plants time to recover after the cows graze through. This helps them grow deeper roots, which in turn improves the soil quality and helps the ground retain more water.

Monarch butterfiles welcome! Milkweed grows throughout our pastures as cows graze nearby.

Cow Pie Breakdown Timelapse

Rotational grazing is not all about the grass!

Our healthy, thriving, chemical-free pastures provide a safe space for bugs to help break down cow pies and release nutrients back into the soil.

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Aug 27th 2024 Annie Rowland

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